Under the Bus

Book 5 of Five Family Vineyard by Kelly Kay

Under the Bus: Stafýlia Cellars is the second part of Bax and Tabi’s story. It picks up after Tabi stands up to her father and accepts Bax’s offer to work on his election campaign. It’s not an easy feat for them, as all the feelings they’ve cultivated over the years begin to overwhelm them. You need to read Over a Barrel first to get the full mind-blowing story. Worth every word!

Tabitha has a strong personality, while Bax is composed and trusting—it’s a true opposites-attract dynamic. And wow! Their relationship isn’t just hot—it’s a chaotic blaze of scorching intensity, mixed with fun and heart-wrenching moments as they try to find their way to each other amidst so many twists and turns.

The story reveals the harsh realities of politics and reminds you that even with a good heart and a desire to help others, you need a strong stomach and backbone to handle all the dirt swept under the rug. There’s an enemy lurking, threatening Bax’s senate race and keeping the couple apart. The sorrowful outcomes and difficult paths ahead will make your heart stutter, and you’ll gasp right along with them.

The writing is vivid, pulling the reader into their world. You’ll find yourself rooting for Tabi and Bax, sincerely hoping their fierce friendship and fascinating love story get the happy ending they deserve. Not only are Bax and Tabi compelling, but their friends are also relatable, with their own ups and downs, flaws, and strengths. They face real-life situations and handle them the way you might in real life.

Like the first book in the duet, Under the Bus is a whirlwind of emotions. I finished reading with a raw heart and a wide smile on my face. The only downside? I got so invested in their lives that I feel like I’ve made lifelong friends—but they live inside a story, and now I want them in my living room, talking shit and drinking wine with me!